Monday, July 21, 2008

Steam bath spa

One affordable way to achieve the ultimate personal spa is installing a steam bath. Though steam baths have been in existence for centuries, never before have private versions of these ancient baths been so attainable.
Steaming Things UpEasily installed during new home construction or remodeling, steam baths are available for almost any sized space. Steamist®, a leading manufacturer of steam baths and saunas, offers generators with a slim design that can be mounted in a vanity cabinet, closet, basement or insulated attic. Steamist's residential generators, which can accommodate steam baths from 60 to 1,100 cubic feet, also save homeowners money by conserving water and electricity.
In addition to providing a relaxing retreat from the stresses of everyday life, steam baths offer many health benefits. Steam bathing purifies and detoxifies the skin and body, increases circulation, stimulates the immune system and encourages complete physical and mental well-being. The heat also helps to relax muscles and relieve pain and inflammation, which is often beneficial to those with arthritis. Also, many doctors recommend steam bathing for patients who suffer from allergies and asthma as the heat dilates air passageways and facilitates breathing.

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